Hello everyone!
Yeah, I have been busy enough to pretend that I do not have time to add an entry to this blog. Work is picking up and I have to make sure everything is well-planned well ahead of time for my classes. But there is a reason why I chose to put an entry here tonight: I have given up TV.
Yes, no more boob tube, idiot box, cathode-ray death trap for me for a little while at least. No time with the work that I do and I was not playing my guitar or doing my own writing anymore. Strange thing is that I do not miss it. The web is there, and I am doing my best to keep track of the news and all the new music that I can finally concentrate on and listen to for the lack of AutoTune. I said to myself that I would not last a weekend; it has been more than a full week of televisual denial.
But why don't I miss it? I think that I can say now that I have never really liked television; not as much as I like putting my thoughts on paper or playing the newest lick on my guitar. And I say this as someone who just bought their first camcorder: I am not a visually-inclined person. I would rather put a picture in my head while reading a new book or listening to music.
All right, enough philosophy. I will let you know how this experiment works out. But for now, I have a lot of unfinished work that I am eager to do.