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Monday, February 27, 2012

Caving In...

Maybe it is the exhausting weekend I have just had (Nuit Blanche in Montreal; Academy Awards disappointing me often and again, etc.), but I have decided to resubmit my work to an old web site that once published my weird and wonderful work, until I had a serious falling out with the publisher's misunderstanding of my blogging.  All is forgiven, but I am still am wondering whether I made the right choice. 

I do love to write.  I have piles of notes in my books and I carry a notebook whenever I think I will have the urge (a cheap dollar store hardback works well on many subway/bus rides).  But there is a sort of fear that creeps in when I put my work out there and I start to get comments.  Yeah, a childish fear, but one that has not gone away. 

I still have to review a lot of the material promised to this particular web site, but I am going to review and hope that things do work out again without any sort of conflict between me and the publisher.

Oh, and Christopher Plummer is still kicking and winning...  What a great night!

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