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Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Sell Out (Part 1)

Let's start with two quotes:

"I don't mind the Royal Family existing.  It's part of our culture in England and we should not eliminate them because of some daft, left-wing, current socialist philosophy."


"Can someone make hybrid cars as comfortable as a Bentley, please?"

Now, let's guess who said what.  Both comments are very striking, provocative and even shocking to some people.  Both were made in 2007 by two people well-known in the media and the public eye.  And both allowed themselves to be quoted and accepted.

The first quote?  John Lydon, the former Johnny Rotten who has shilled for butter and become friendly enough with his old prog-rock enemies to be seen in a friendly pose with Phil Collins.  The second quote comes from - you guessed it - Yoko Ono, artist and former Mrs L. who did not enjoy her Prius.

I wonder about how we have changed.  I once was an angry young man and hated it when bands that I admired seemed to be giving in to the system.  I now understand that the only ones who never sold out are the ones no one remembers. 

But there has to be some sort of stand taken against the system, right?  Anyone?

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