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Thursday, November 4, 2010

An Epiphany...of sorts...

I just had a very busy week (nothing new there) and discovered that the apartment I thought would be mine is now promised to someone else that the landlord now has a crush on (more of the same?).  I opened a cabinet and my favorite mug fell out and shattered.  I dropped off a card at a mailbox and stepped in a huge unseen puddle; I marked papers for my students and realized that they like to repeat all of the mistakes I have pointed out; and I am about to do another assessment for another school for very little pay and no promise that things will work out and they will actually be able to do the tests.

A silver lining: I have found an old notebook with an outline for a long narrative based on an incident from my past (with a lot of fiction involved).  And that is a goal: finishing that thing and getting it published.  I am sick of leaving so much unfinished work around on my flash drives and notes.

Sounds like something worth a few more blog entries...

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